Saturday, November 29, 2008

What the 2nd Amendment is really for


  1. Wow!!!! Of all the arguments I've ever heard regarding gun control,this was the most powerful.This women should be one of our elcted officials! She's right about protecting ourselves from narrow minded,power hungry and corrupt government agents.

  2. Amen sister!!!!!!!!

  3. I'm not mad about the guns, I'm not mad at the guy who shot my parents. I've displaced my anger and put it on the people who are against guns and violence......Whew! what a nut case.

  4. Gun ownership = Freedom because you have the power to defend yourself against the aggressor. The real "nut cases" are the ones who don't get it. They will also be the first begging for us gun-owners to protect them against their "protector" turned "jailor/oppressor".
