Thursday, October 2, 2008

Ignorance, apathy or wisdom?

While watching the local news show today, there was a segment where the interviewer - in Jay Leno style - interviews several people off of the street and asks them questions like "who is the Vice President of the United States?" and "who are the Vice Presidential candidates?".

Of course, most of the people interviewed didn't know and didn't seem to care.

The tone of the interviewer was that of disdain and disbelief. He, and the other news anchors, implied through their smirks that this "ignorance" and "apathy" were "what's wrong with America".

I propose an alternate view. Could it be that the average person realizes that the whole system is just a rigged game designed to distract the common man and woman to make them feel like they are part of the process? Statistics show that most Americans don't even bother voting anymore.

Like the lyrics from the rock bank Rush "if you choose not to decide you still have made a choice" I believe that the average American who does not vote is actually voting against the current system by their "non-vote". It is a vote of "no confidence".

Take a look at history and decide for yourself. From a historical perspective, governments - through their wars and fiscal mismanagement - are responsible for more murders and human tragedy than any other cause.

I propose an alternative way to vote. Do it with your dollars. Pay for the products and services that you want - and resist and withhold payment for those products and services that you do not want.

Are the majority of Americans ignorant or apathetic? I think not. Wisdom may be a better characteristic to attribute to the average American who casts his or her vote by "non-voting".

For more information on "non-voting" click here.

Trust in Gold

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