Thursday, October 16, 2008

The "people's money"

Vincent Bressler has written a nice piece that echos my sentiment regarding silver:
Viva Silver!

By: Vincent Bressler

-- Posted 16 October, 2008

We are in the middle of world altering financial events.

In this environment, high profile people with deep knowledge are saying that silver is primarily an industrial metal. What these people are actually saying is that governments, who still hold a lot of gold, but no silver, are going to re-monetize gold, add a few zeros to the price and thereby re-capitalize their failing monetary systems. The presumption is that the people will go along with a situation where they do not see the gold, do not hold the gold in their hands, but merely "trust" that the government has the gold.

Of course this is absurd. By the time this crisis is over, people will have been so thoroughly burned by their "trust" in government and in their "trust" in government's funny money, that the people will want to touch and hold their real money. It will not do to lock money away and pass around slips of paper or computer entries. Only real money in hand will do. Government will decide whether that real money lives in the black market or in the government sanctioned market. But real money it will be.

In such a situation, silver money will thrive. There are billions of recognizable quarters, dimes and half dollars that are 90% and 40% silver, just waiting for this opportunity. These coins look like the zinc coated coins in circulation today, but they are silver, and readily distinguished from the current counterfeits. Gold will be used to settle large debts and will not circulate in the same way. Silver will be the people's money.

Watch the premium on 90% and 40% US silver coins, first over and above the fraudulent COMEX price, and then, after COMEX defaults, over and above 100 ounce silver bars. That premium has been zero or negative until very recently. That premium is the "monetary" premium in silver. As this plays out, the premium on 90% and 40% silver coins will greatly exceed the premium on 100 ounce silver bars. These old quarters, dimes and half dollars will be the people's money. I don't see any other way out of this deep dark place.

Vincent Bressler

Buy Gold & Silver

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