Tuesday, January 20, 2009

President Obama's First Lie

Any intelligent person who takes a moment, and really thinks about it, knows that the U.S. Constitution has no legitimate authority (see "The Constitution of No Authority"). Nonetheless, Obama will put his hand on the Bible today and swear to uphold the Constitution. Here is where his first lie comes in. Bill Bonner of The Daily Reckoning says it best:

The founding charter of the U.S.A. made no allowance for going into the banking business…nor the auto business…nor any other kind of business. Neither did it allow invasions of foreign countries, without a declaration of war…or imagine a standing army that costs about as much as all the rest of the world's armies put together.

In the beginning, the U.S. government was specifically limited in what it could do. Now, very little remains that it can't do. But in all matters - big or small…torturing people or taking their money - government leaders must pretend to be acting in the national interest. It's a low-down, dirty business that usually attracts people of the same sort. People like George W. Bush and Joseph Biden…people with no sense or no principles - or neither. People who don't know a lie when they hear it or…don't mind telling one.

That's why we're sorry to seem Obama in the trade; he seems like such a nice fellow.

But politics…alas, someone's got to do it. As the old Latin expression puts it: The voters want to be deceived; then let them be deceived.

Yes, it's possible that Obama can try to reverse these things but it just can't happen when the system is corrupt from its inception. For this reason, I will continue to buy gold & silver.

1 comment:

  1. "Were sorry to see Obama in the trade; he seems like such a nice fellow."

    Just a couple of sentences earlier you said "It's a low-down, dirty business that usually attracts people of the same sort"

    Which perfectly explains why Barry Soetoro is in there!!!! Oh, sorry; I meant Obamer!!! Obama is such a two faced lier(same thing as a democrat) that he can't even go by his own given name!!!

    When he won the election, did the murders leading HAMAS really congratulate him; like I heard on the news???


    Obamer will fix it!!!
