Saturday, January 10, 2009

Protecting Yourself – The Final Steps

From Jim Sinclair:

Protecting Yourself – The Final Steps
Posted: Jan 10 2009 By: Jim Sinclair
Post Edited: January 10, 2009 at 10:22 pm

Filed under: General Editorial

Dear Friends,

Having secured your finances by insuring them with gold and distancing your assets from your financial agents to the greatest degree possible, there comes one more task that you should put some thought into: securing yourself.

There is no question at all that as the jobless rate rises, civil disorder will begin to manifest itself in society.

No matter if you live in NYC or in Flat, Alaska it would behoove everyone to review and improve their home security. You have nothing to lose by being objective. Here are a few ways to achieve a high level of home security:

(1) Install an external intercom so you can talk with people coming to your home without unlocking or opening the door. Itinerant door knockers don’t need to see you or have personal contact with you nor do they need to see inside your home. Door-to-door solicitors, like telemarketers, need to be politely but abruptly, dismissed. Provide them with no information!

(2) Electronic security: Don’t buy a cheap system. It costs several thousand dollars for a competent, monitored system. Once installed, use it! It needs to be activated every night and every time you leave the house. Make it personal policy!

(3) Dogs serve many purposes, the first of which is companionship without conditions. Even a total wimp like Mr. Freddie (my wife’s legacy to me) can raise the alarm when required. Mia not only raised the alarm but also the roof and walls. She chased Victoria’s kids out of my office. She bit my African daughter which made me remind her, like it or not, that Mia is the family dog and her action might be a comment on how often Marlene is home.

Of course, I am kidding. Mia was very sternly reprimanded for that one. Mia was a tough situation as I loved her dearly, but she felt her duty was to protect me from everything and everybody. This is why Barbara changed her name from "Mia" to "My Damn Dog." In sum, Mia fulfilled her self appointed duty by being one mean b—h, (referred to as a female of her species).

(4) If you live like I do in a rustic and somewhat isolated area, then metal detectors at all entrances are a good option. They make excellent wireless systems that now transmit 1,250 feet to the receiver. You can obtain tunes for different entrances.

(5) Automatic perimeter lighting that is triggered either by laser interruption or infrared is also an option to consider. Also, very cheap devices are available now.

Spend no less than 2 1/2 percent of your liquid net assets on home protection, electronics, communication and power generation. Even a small Honda portable generator on the porch of a metropolitan apartment - legal or not -will come in handy when you need it.

Then pray all this is totally unnecessary.

Buy Gold & Silver

1 comment:

  1. Two things to comment on here: First what is oddly missing from this post is the need to become - if not already - the proud owner of a firearm, as well as dutifully knowledgeable in its use. Personally I would recommend more than one (one should have, and be proficient is at least one each - rifle, shotgun, handgun). The ultimate self-defense is the ability to confer the concept that you are prepared to take the life of the person intending you harm. A dog can scare some people, but threat of death has a MUCH greater psychological effect.
    Next, I would caution you on how far you will rely on a home alarm. While I advise on having one, know that if you have an "active" system (one that calls into a central monitoring company), you are giving permission for emergency personnel to enter your home in your absence. So ask yourself if you are okay with the police entering your home in your absence in the event of a mishap with the system?
